Keiki Club

Ohana Christian Fellowship Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministries of Ohana Christian Fellowship provides ministry for children from birth through 5th grade.   Our goal is to help the children of Ohana

discover Jesus in a personal way so they will grow up with His teachings.   It is our desire that the teaching they receive at Ohana will be taken with them throughout their lives.


Ohana Christian Fellowship Children's Ministries vision is to lead children into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to equip each child to grow in that relationship.   We want each child to understand that Jesus Christ is a real part of their life as they grow in age and spiritual maturity.

"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming Me."

Matthew 18:5

Our Purpose

Our Children's Ministry exists to Reach children for Christ, to Connect them with other children, to help them Learn and Grow in their faith, and as they grow in age and Maturity, to help them Discover their ministry and Honor God with their life.

Our Beliefs

We believe...

  • Children are a gift from God and should be handled with love and care.
  • Children are important in the kingdom of God and that Christ died to redeem children from their sin.
  • Christ has called children to follow Him and children can be equipped to serve Christ and others.
  • Children deserve a safe, positive, nurturing and age appropriate learning environment.
  • The ministry is not just "to" children but "with" children. We learn from and with children as we teach them.
  • That God has appointed parents as the primary instructors of their children and the church's role is to assist in the cooperative effort of the task.
  • Successful ministry is shared responsibility of children, ministry volunteers, parents and the whole church body.

Our Goals

Our Goals are:

  • To provide a safe, secure, loving environment for children to participate in and where parents feel comfortable leaving their child
  • To help children feel a warm sense of belonging to their church family and to insure each child feels welcomed and wanted
  • For each child to know that God is real and that a personal relationship with Him gives meaning to life
  • To lead each child in accepting Jesus Christ and developing a dynamic relationship with Him
  • To help each child develop a lifestyle that is built on his /her relationship with Jesus Christ
  • To help each child understand that God's Word is revenant and growth in Bible knowledge results in positive changes in attitudes, actions, and life-style
  • To help each child grow in his/her relationship with other believers and with his/her non-churched friends.
  • To provide children the opportunity and direction to participate in ministry
  • To support the family in their responsibility for the spiritual nuture and growth of their child

Interested in Serving?

We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our Keiki Ministry. Pick up an application from the Church Office or see Lisa Poole and help make our church a great place for kids and their families to be!